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Strategic Plan

of the Munroe Falls Historical Society

In order to align our strategic plan to our mission statement, the Munroe Falls Historical Society will employ these prevailing approaches in the pursuit of our goals:


Promoting lifelong learning and interest in the history of Munroe Falls and its place in our state and country.

a. Make accurate curator notes of the present collections within the museum. Identify which artifacts will stay within the museum, and which will be archived in the Summit County Library for public access.

b. Re-organize rooms and displays within the museum in order to best utilize space, thereby identifying each room in the museum for a specific purpose in teaching and learning for guests to the museum.
c. Update museum displays to more eye-appealing formats, as well as electronic versions which will be uploaded to the museum website.
d. Networking with schools to involve students in visiting the museum, utilizing the resources, and volunteering to update the museum.

Providing Public Access of the historical information and artifacts of the community.

a. Promoting unveiling of new displays to the public via city announcement boards, local newspapers, and posters in significant locations (i.e. local library, City Hall, etc.) 
b. Creating a website where announcement, archived programs, photos, etc. can be shared with the public.
c. Encouraging networking in the community by offering visits, or presentations to local institutions, schools, etc. This would include looking for opportunities to network with our school district to find ways for students to create displays, or serve as curators at the museum in order to earn service credit and thereby learning more about our Munroe Falls history, and possible adult membership in the historical society.


Serving as Collections Stewards of the museum and its contents, thereby preserving, exhibiting, and interpreting historical data and artifacts pertaining to the history of Munroe Falls and the surrounding community.

a. Organizing the artifacts the museum owns and determining how to best use them for public access and community interest.
b. Planning and implementing environmental improvements for museum collections storage and exhibit areas
c. Planning for the management, care, and conservation of collections
d. Organizing the artifacts the museum owns and determining how to best use them for public access and community interest.    
e. Rehousing collections within the museum for more meaningful learning experiences for visitors.
f. Planning and initiating digitization activities , creating electronic files of museum contents as a form of insurance of their survival and allowing public access.
g. Building alliances and partnerships within and outside the museum field in order to secure visitation, ideas for improvement and enhancement, and financial support for programs and improvements within the museum.
h. Maintaining and updating the museum to meet safety and health standards; repairing structural and interior  damages; securing display materials for tabletop, wall, shelving, and mannequin displays.


Moving from Community Anchors to Community Catalysts in providing technological access, relevant collaboration with the public, and supporting programs and causes which support interaction with the local community .

a. Maintaining an active website
b. Promoting programs throughout the year
c. Staffing Open Houses at the Museum for public visitation
d. Taking the "show on the road" to share programs developed by the Historical Society.
e. Actively attending City Council meetings when issues of historical perspective or protection are being addressed; writing editorials in local newspapers to support historical perspective and protection; and seeking ways to inform the public when historical protection is needed.

Munroe Falls Train Depot
Munroe Falls Paper Mill
Charles Gaylord of the Gaylord family, one of Munroe Falls' early pioneer families.
Old Munroe Falls Schoolhouse being moved to serve as the Munroe Falls Town Hall; Munroe Falls, OH
Myrtle Thacker, daughter of Lily Gaylord of the Gaylord family (one of Munroe Falls' earliest pioneer families.)

Photos: Munroe Falls Train Depot, Paper Mill, Charles N. Gaylord, Moving of School House, Myrtle Thacker – daughter of Lily Gaylord

Munroe Falls Historical Society & Museum
83 Munroe Falls Avenue
Munroe Falls, Ohio 44262


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