Support Munroe Falls Historical Society
You are already a part of Munroe Falls, so why not help shape its history? The Munroe Falls Historical Society depends on a strong community of members, volunteers and financial contributors. If you’re looking to learn more about the history of Munroe Falls or just want to support our mission, here are several ways you connect with us!

Volunteering with Munroe Falls Historical Society is a great opportunity to let a few hours of your time turn into a history of new experiences to share with others.
Our volunteer program is flexible and we have opportunities for both individuals and groups with projects that vary throughout the year. We always have need for a variety of skills and experiences, so you don’t need to be a historian or local expert to help out!
Governor Harris at Munroe Falls Train Depot, circa late 1800s

The Munroe Falls Historical Society relies on the support of our valued members and community donors to help us serve our mission of collecting, preserving and sharing the unique stories of Munroe Falls. All gifts to the Munroe Falls Historical Society are meaningful, no matter how big or small.
You also can donate to the Munroe Falls Historical Society every time you purchase something through Amazon. To make a donation:
Type Amazon Smile in the search box of your Amazon account.
Scroll down to SUPPORTING.
Type in Munroe Falls Historical Society.
Every time you purchase an item, a monetary amount will be donated to our account. (It will not be added to what you pay for your purchase.)
Gaylord farm – North River Road and Route 91 in Munroe Falls, Ohio, 1905